Friday, January 15, 2010

Ready, steady, go? How a seasoned entrepreneur got my race started

Sitting at a coffee shop with a very close friend of mine, Colleen, we discussed my next career move after having gone through a very difficult time with my employers. I had inevitably found myself going through a legal process, which while it worked in my favour, it nonetheless was a very dark period in my life. Colleen does marvellous work in the career development space was helping me with my CV, for when you are an academic, you may not be in touch with how CVs should be presented for the 'real' world. So it was at one of our sessions, that she asked me the question, 'Why don't you start your own business?' It should not have sounded as if this was a light bulb moment. But, there I was, a person who had studied entrepreneurship up to doctoral level, had taught entrepreneurship to nearly 3000 students over the years, had helped people with their business plans and yet I sat there with the greatest amount of self-doubt.

My first thought was, ok, here you are, highly educated and the so called entrepreneurship research, says that the more educated you are, the more likely you are to succeed. So armed with that comforting thought, I gained some courage. I started thinking of company names, was consumed with grandiose ideas about the empire I was going to build and I slept at night. But I soon realised that my education was all I had and after registering my company, now what? And so began the 'real' entrepreneurship lessons of what I had in the past taught my students. This time, I was the student and my teacher was Colleen, the entrepreneur. There was no chalk and board or powerpoint presentation, just strong coffee (they even know her order at the coffee shop we meet at) for Colleen and a berry freeze drink for me but good, stimulating and real conversation. And it is upon reflection from these conversations that I can share just some of my lessons (there have been so many that actually, they deserve a book!).

The first lesson Colleen taught me was that to be an entrepreneur, you need to have self-belief. Colleen spent a lot of time giving me the reassurance that I so needed. She would tell me how she began her journey, how the journey had pit stops and detours, but that because she so believed in what she was doing, she was able to continue her journey. Colleen built up my confidence and encouraged me to pursue my dream and most importantly, was and continues to be my sounding board for my business.

The second lesson was about the importance of making use of your networks and after one of our coffee sessions, she suggested me that I write up a list of all the people that I know. You see, sitting now and reflecting on this, I realize that while I knew this, had taught it and even advised others on it but when it came to myself, I think that I was so afraid of failure that I momentarily forgot all that I knew. So, I wrote a list of all the people I knew and in some cases, told them that I had now started my own consulting company and gave them an overview of what I would be focusing on. Some of the networks gave me work, but you would never believe that my first consulting job actually came from the very same company that I'd had had to resort to a legal process. That experience really showed me that it is important to always give your best in any work situation as even when you have to move on, it is your work that is remembered and may actually get you much needed work when you are in your own business.

The third lesson that I am only implementing now that Colleen spoke to me about quite early on when I started my race was about the power of the Internet. Early on she told me to start a blog, write a book that can be published online, set up a website, but I never followed through on that. Why? I think it is because, I was overwhelmed by what an online presence represented; it meant that I would out there for people to comment, agree, disagree with my thoughts and I was not emotionally ready for that. So although I never did it then, I am doing it now and I feel strong enough about what I do, who I am that I can now write and share my thoughts. The lesson that I learnt from Colleen that I now implement when I am working with other entrepreneurs is that at times when you suggest something that you know is good for the entrepreneur but they don't implement it; it's okay. I've learnt that at times you need to stand back and let the entrepreneur work through and process their own entrepreneurial intentions.

The final lesson that I have learned from Colleen is the importance of consistency in how you interact with people, how you project who you are and how you represent yourself and how you want to be remembered. Colleen does not shift the goal post, what you see is what you get and experience. For example, when you go into the career centre that she has started and runs at a local university, it screams 'Colleen'! It is not what you expect, it's unconventional, yet inviting and importantly, it's a space for one to grow within a wonderful safety net of staff and genuine desire for people to succeed. In my case, she always gives her all without expecting anything in return because I believe that she so genuinely believes in me. She also imparts a healthy dose of realism about the race that I am running - when I've thought that my race should come to an end, Colleen reminds me about running at a pace that's right for me.

So what I know now for sure is that when I am helping other entrepreneurs develop; I know that they must run their own race. My role is to be their running partner but at times run ahead, while at other times run behind but most importantly, run with them at their own pace. To Colleen, my friend, mentor and running partner, I say my race has now begun and the pace is a healthy one.


  1. Nice, I look forward to joining your facebook group associated with this blog.

  2. Interesting insights.The part that strikes a chord with me is when you write about allowing entrepreneurs to run at their own pace. This is an important lesson for anyone who is pursuing anything, business or otherwise, to remember to perservere. If you are smart enough, you will eventually figure out what it is you need to do or learn in order to succeed
