Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Short left: Picking the low lying fruits along the way

My dream is to provide useful, relevant, up to date information to anyone wanting to start a business or grow their business at a very cheap price anywhere and anytime. That is my dream. I want people to be able to be able to write their own business plans backed by relevant, timely business/sector/industry information in their choice of location.

But what I know is that the road to get to where I want to be is not going to happen over night, it is going to be a process. And while I work towards my dream, the one lesson that I have learnt from others before me is that it's important to pick the low lying fruits along the way. This basically means that as I etch my way towards my dream, I must live, pay the bills and develop my concept. But this does not give me the freedom to do anything and everything simply because I need to pay bills. What I have done is to do projects that have helped me develop my research skills (core to my dream), networking skills and business planning skills.

So I find myself engaging in interesting projects in a variety of sectors but more importantly, I can see how my product and service will be of value to these sectors in the years to come. I have learnt certain peculiarities about certain sectors that I would not have done if it was not for the projects that I have done. It has also provided me the opportunity to ask people what kind of information they believe they need and then seeing how my product offering can fit it those expectations.

So this post is short as it's not about giving a detailed analysis of how, when or what as pickiing low lying fruits for me is about accessing those opportunities that add value to me achieving the dream. So as I such, I recognise the need to articulate as a strategy that I have used along the way but do not want to make a central part of my journey as then I will never reach my dream destination: providing relevant information to people exploring, starting, or growing their business.

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